Monday, February 25, 2008

My Favorite Oscar Moments (there are 6):

When Tilda Swinton won for Best Supporting Actress, Michael Clayton; and her reaction to that win (One of my favorites for quite some time since, Orlando)

Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova winning for Best Song, "Falling Slowly," Once

Jon Stewart allowing Irglova to give her speech after being cut-off; and her speech

Cate Blanchett's wonderful reaction to Marion Cotillard's win for Best Actress (I adore both of them!!!)

Marion Cotillard winning for Best Actress, La Vie en Rose

Amy Ryan's listening to Cotillard's speech and her emotion (the moisture/tears in her eyes--lovely); who was sitting behind Cotillard (Another favorite of mine since I saw her on a televised version of recent Broadway production of THE WOMEN on PBS)