Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Move

Waiting in the airport of JetBlue, trying not to think of my family because I'll have a breakdown, I check my phone, and notice that I missed a phone call from an unfamiliar 646-area code and that there is a voicemail. I listen to the message and it's a director asking me if I could be at his 34th street office to audition for him that afternoon. Uh...obviously, I can't. I'll be on a plane. I give him a ring back and he tells me that if he doesn't find anyone, he'll give me a buzz. I ask him to let me know either way.

Getting ready to board, I squish my way into the crowd (not that bad). I didn't understand what the attendant said about where I should go. I decided to just follow whoever was in front of me and make sure that I stepped into the "Hopelessly Devoted To You"-plane. Honestly, the name of the plane. Yeah, I should have gone the ground-back way and taken the stairs, rather than stay on the platform and take the first set of stairs. I had to walk all the way to the back causing some light traffic. At the end, there was a very nice gentleman that let me go and put my stuff up. Another attendant, a sweet older man, took my duffle bag and put it up in the compartment for me.

The flight was fine. I tried to sleep. Was in and out of it. I took the complimentary snacks (all that I had eaten were those snacks--blue chips, cranberry juice, cookies and water). Went to the bathroom a couple of times. Watched some lousy TV, et cetera, et cetera, and so forth...

I rang my cousin to let him know that I had landed. By the outfit...I looked like I was going to go riding because I was wearing these boots that one of my best friends let me borrow because she said that I would need some boots. I clunked and clunked as I walked. It was distracting to me but where could I have possbily stuffed those boots? cousin told me that he was 10-15 minutes away. I thought, "I have to get my luggage myself?!!" Honestly. That's what I thought. I had 2 big suitcases that I checked in, and my own bag and a duffle that I took on the plane with me. Then, I thought, "My God. I have to get a cart?!" LOL! So, I did and did. I went outside to wait for my cousin. Cold. Real cold. Not the fake California-cold. Please. But, it was quite refreshing. I listened to Nellie McKay on my new (RED) iPod that The 3 bought for me (my brothers). Traffic was horrendous but I got picked up and off we went to Queens, where I would be staying with my cousin, his wife (who is amazing and awesome), they're 5-year-old kid, and his in-laws.

I shacked it up inside the kid's room. Cramped but I was grateful. I had somewhere to sleep! Hello! Living with my cousins is a joy because they offer warmth, homemade food and family=) Not to mention hot water for tea, a working bathroom, the Internet and cable TV. My cousin is a chef and a very good one!

I stayed with them till the first of this month. On the early-evening of the first, I moved in to my apartment in the City. My apartment is weirdly shaped. It's like a hallway. A bit bigger in some areas. I've got a pretty good-sized bedroom. No complaints EXCEPT girls really should be clean! I mean, I had NEVER seen so many dust bunnies on the floor in my life! Not even in the Philippines! I'm still trying to imagine how the girl before me slept in a bed with her headboard and side tables filled with dust. Absolutely disgusting! Even the drawers and the desk were icky-dusty. BUT, I'm thankful that I actually have a place and that I don't have to worry about rent for a couple of months.

My roommate had to go to a party at 8p. I was glad because then I'd have the place to myself and could just unwind and settle-in. I unpacked everything and before putting anything in it's temporary place, I took west paper towels and just wiped away all the dust from the furniture. Yuck! I checked out what kind of cable we had. Uh...NOTHING! What the HELL am I paying for then? And the Internet is a bit shoddy. What the Hey?!! Wasted money. I mean, the cable should have, I think, atleast the Disney Channel and Nickleodeon! Right? Yeah. I think we have TBS, A&E and some NY channels...whatever. Thank God that, "Pushing Daisies," "Ugly Betty," and "Brothers and Sisters," are all on channel 7! Ha! Honestly.

The next day, I was to meet up with one of my best friends. I had to pick her up from her voice lesson on 72nd. Not bad. I found my way=) I took her over to the MET because my cousin's wife told me that I should go there and meet with one of her patients that was going to help me get a job over at the museum! So, I went. What an adventure. There was a mix-up, and I thought the man I was supposed to be speaking with was the man I was supposed to be speaking with! I forced him and tried to convince him that he knew my cousin. He looked at me like I was crazy. I started sweating. Then, right when everything was going to completely go down the drain, the man that I was supposed to meet with came up behind me! Eureka! And, just WHO was I speaking to? Yeah, I was talking to the manager of the Luxury Boutique. Yikes! Well, my cousin's patient cleared it up with his manager and said that he'd just take me up to HR to fill out an application. But, the manager said that he'd give me an application right there and interview me after I finished filling it out. Wow, how easy was that? I hate filling out applications. I used my own pen and it exploded black ink all over the fingers of my left-hand. Oh, well. It took me some time to finish the 2 pages because my hands always shake when I fill those damn things out. I got interviewed and he hired me on the spot. I almost cried. He asked if I had any experience with jewelry and textiles. "Uh, actually, I don't." "That's okay. It doesn't matter." What?! He said that he liked my appearance and said that I was nice. LOL!

That was my 5th day in the City. FIFTH!!!

Oh! I almost forgot...let us backtrack*** The day after I landed, the director wanted me to audition because he needed a last-minute replacement for the SAG actress that he hired. There was some trouble with the Union. I auditioned for him in the lobby of my cousin's apartment and he gave me the role. I thought about it and turned him down a couple hours later because the energy just wasn't there for me. There was something that kept telling me to say, "No." So, I turned it down and decided that I really needed to take care of myself first. It was the best decision!

Alright...on Sunday eve, on the way to Saint Patrick's for the 5.30 mass, I met a guy on the subway. He got off at the same stop just so that he could ask my name. He was coming from church and I was going to. I was late. So, I went to get some coffee with him. He's from South Africa. An investment banker in training. Crazy. Don't worry...I went to church the next day. That was the first time, in a LONG time that I've been to church.

Monday, I went to do paperwork and get my picture taken for my ID at HR. I met another guy. A musician from Maine that has been in the City for 5 months. He's such a cutie!

I started training on Wednesday. Two days of it. It wasn't so bad. I really felt positive and ready to go after Wednesday's training. Then Thursday came and I got scared. My first day was Friday and I did very well. I didn't sweat at all! =) Even with the mistakes I made. Which I can count as having made three, or four.

It's amazing the people that you have the opportunity of meeting. I felt like I was back working in Disneyland, it's just that I have to sell jewelry and sculptures and the like. I hate sales. I don't want to be pushy. I read the person's energy and find a little hole that I can enter in with my, "Good morning (or whatever), if you need anything, just let me know." And then I leave 'em alone. between those times that I've written, I've been running mad around the City doing not what you think I would be doing considering that I'm an actress. I was running errands for myself. Shopping for work clothes and shoes (I still have to find some flats and another pair of boots), shopping for things to keep me warm!!!, shopping for food and cleaning supplies, toiletries and blah-blah-blah. Things that I absolutely Need. I've also been back to Queens with my cousins. Spending my Saturdays with them.

So, that's the gist of my first 2 weeks. I wish I could be more specific but in this town, there really isn't time to just sit down and think about doing things. You just gotta Do.

PS I can't believe I'm able to write this long post. I just haven't had the time! So, I hope you enjoy=)

PPS I have been going to bed (on work days) before 10p! Unbelieveable. This from the gal that doesn't sleep till 3 in the morn! D.R.A.I.N.E.D