Tuesday, March 10, 2009

THE LAST NIGHT OF BALLYHOO (March 27th - April 26th, 2009)

Directed by Cecilia Fannon

Where: Newport Theatre Arts Center
2501 Cliff Drive
Newport Beach, CA 92663

When: March 27th - April 26th, 2009
(Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays; then add-on Thursdays after Opening week-end)

Time: 8p on Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays
2p on Sundays

Tickets: 15$ (unless, it's the Gala, which is 20$)
949 631 0288 (to make reservations, which, I believe, is the wisest thing to do. That is, IF you want to come...)

Parking: FREE! We've got a small lot adjacent to the theater. Also, you are able to park on the street (just not in front of the theater because...well, it's not allowed=P)

Box Office hours: Open the week of Tech and thru the run of the show
Tuesday and Wednesday - 4.30p to 7p
Thursday to Saturday - 4.30p to 7.55p
Sunday - 12.30p to 1.25p

For more 411, visit: Newport Theatre Arts Center

That's all.


I've been receiving many questions about the purchasing of tickets for the show I'm in: THE LAST NIGHT OF BALLYHOO.

I hope that this note will fill those concerns.

Reserve your tickets through the Box Office's number, 949 631 0288.

A message from the Box Office will play that will say they are not open until March 17th. Please, DO NOT listen to that message. That refers to the process of walking up and purchasing tickets at the actual, physical Box Office in Newport Beach, NOT to reserving your tickets on the answering machine.

Leave a message with:
1. your name
2. your phone number
3. the date you would like to attend the show
4. the number of tickets you would like

**DO NOT leave your credit card number/info on their answering machine!!!**

A representative of the Box Office will then give you a ring back and that is where the process of giving your credit card number will occur.

Your tickets will be held in the Box Office at Will-Call.

Please, do not ask me to hold tickets for you. I am not able to because of a couple of past bad experiences the Box Office has had with actors saving tickets for family/friends that never showed up. So that option is out. Sorry, folks.

EVENT PAGE: facebook

from - The Daily Pilot