Thursday, July 5, 2007

An Exemption & a Gig

A couple of days ago, I got exempted from an audition for a short film that is slated to be released in three 7-minute increments onto youtube. I met with the director today because I couldn't say/sign, "Yes," without knowing who my character was and what the story was. Even though he said that I was perfect for the role, I can't give a blind-sided answer. I had to know.

Well, there definitely is a twist in the end that grosses me out! HA! But, I still said, "Yes." One, because it is something for me to do; Two, because it's interesting; Three, it will get me out of the house; and Four, it's some camera-time. It's more for me to learn on-set. The director seems like a good guy and it was actually his sister-in-law that said, "She's the one. Choose her." And then upon going over my resume said, "Yes. She's the one." He agreed=)

So, it's great to hear that my headshot and my resume got me exempted from an audition! They were more impressed by my resume, which is great! He wrote me that my theatre background and acting experience made them trust to give the role to me. Wow! Yay! If only things were that simple, eh?

What's funny to me is that they said I was perfect for the part and I have never been considered for a role like this.

Go figure...

(So...this is my second gig that I've gotten. The first one, one of my good friends, recommended me for this short film. I met with the director a couple of weeks ago and he offered me the role without auditioning me. All on my good friend's recommendation to me. So, now, I can't let her down! HA! She's in it as well. She'll be playing a nun. Well, the scene is a scene that he felt he needed to add last minute. He thinks it's really important. It's a whopper! The scene is right at the end of the movie and it's emotionally intense. YES!!! Thank God! Something to sink my teeth into even if it's just a couple of minutes (or is it seconds?), it's a GREAT couple of minutes, or seconds! And as it is now, I don't have to say a word. Not one single word!)