Monday, July 30, 2007


Bergman passed "from one room into another"* at 89 in his home in Faro, Sweden. The world of art has lost one of its greatest creators, the "poet with the camera."

The last film he directed was in '82, Fanny and Alexander. He directed in the theatre as well. Most of his productions were for Stockholm's Royal Dramatic Theater. "The theatre is like a faithful wife," he said. "The film is the great adventure — the costly, exacting mistress."

I've only seen a few of Bergman's films (Cries and Whispers, Autumn Sonata, The Seventh Seal, and Scenes from a Marriage). In homage to the poet, I will leave you with a scene from the first film of his that I saw, Cries and Whispers:

* when asked by Lilli Palmer if she believed in life after death, Helen Keller responded emphatically, "Most certainly. It is no more than passing from one room into another."