Wednesday, August 1, 2007

10 Principal Shortcomings of Lilli Palmer (as named by Elsa Schreiber)

1. Remember: you have no charm
2. Don't act adjectives. No need to illustrate what you're saying.
3. Iron out those abrupt, hasty gestures.
4. Take your time. Then no one will be bored.
5. Don't mumble.
6. Listen to your fellow actors. That will make you interesting.
7. Stay dry. Sentimentality is Mortal Sin Number One.
8. Don't stand with your feet apart. Keep them together. You're not in the gym.
9. Stay vital. Monotony is Mortal Sin Number Two.
10. Courage--above all, courage!

*Elsa Schreiber was Lilli's acting teacher/coach. A woman with a great talent who shared her knowledge and helped her students blossom and bloom.

Lilli as Cleopatra (duh) in Shaw's CAESAR AND CLEOPATRA