Monday, August 13, 2007

Born in February...

This was from a bulletin my best friend posted on myspace. I found it fun to comment on! Ha! Plus, I'm feeling super silly.

Abstract thoughts (Sure...?). Loves reality and abstract (I don't know if I love them). Intelligent and clever (I'll take that). Changing personality (For the better, yes. For the crazy, no.). Attractive (I won't go best friend might slap me. Hard.). Sexiest out of everyone (Um...). Temperamental (Sometimes). Quiet, shy and humble (I'll take those...but if I'm with my friends...that's another story!). Honest and loyal (Yes). Determined to reach goals (Yes, again). Loves freedom (Yeah). Rebellious when restricted (Depends). Loves aggressiveness (Yeah. That would be a BIG FAT NO! *EW*). Too sensitive and easily hurt (Yep). Gets angry really easily but does not show it (I show it. Though, not all the time). Dislikes unnecessary things (Yes). Loves making friends but rarely shows it (I don't know how to take that one...). Horny (Oh, God! No. Do urges count? Plus, do I look like a French 60's film star to you?). Daring and stubborn (No and sometimes). Ambitious (Not at this moment). Realizing dreams and hopes (Yes, would love to). Sharp (Oh, yeah. My history teacher called me, "Astute"=). Loves entertainment and leisure (Hello!). Romantic on the inside not outside (Very true). Superstitious and ludicrous (Occassionally and yes). Spendthrift (Mm...sometimes). Tries to learn to show emotions (Hm...I don't have to learn that!!!).

They should add, "Extremely dorky." Yes, I know. I am dorky. Especially, for making a silly entry like this. But, admit it, you had a ball reading this post! =PPP